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The Stephen King Boo! Club

Jan 29, 2020

Make yourself some popcorn, because for our bonus this week, we're getting way into Gerald's Game (2017), directed and co-written by Mike Flanagan! Phoenix celebrates extending his very favorite segment. Stephen tries to get through the infamous de-gloving scene, recorded in real time. The boys go through the Stephen...

Jan 22, 2020

Keep that glass of water handy, because it's time for Gerald's Game! After Four Past Midnight, the boys are good and ready to go back to the regular, one-book-an-episode program. Spoiler alert: this one rules! Stephen faces his fear of blood. Phoenix gets his true crime geek on. Some people call this episode Maurice. 

Jan 8, 2020

The boys finish out Four Past Midnight with the stories The Library Policeman and The Sun Dog! An important announcement in this one right at the top - listen in to hear an update on our Archivist. Stephen aced his Maine exams. Phoenix goes to Lovecraft Country. Juice Newton is appreciated yet again.